Housekeeping job in New Zealand
A housekeeping job is a part-time or permanent paid job that you have to maintain and look after the home of your client or employer. This can be done by cleaning, cooking, ironing and other duties related to the upkeep of homes and personal properties.
Housekeeping jobs opportunities in New Zealand
New Zealand has several areas of residence where you can operate. These are Auckland, Nelson, Auckland Central, Whanganui and many more residential areas. If you want to work in these regions, then you need to get yourself registered with an NZ Housekeeping Institute (NZHI). It includes having an online application form to apply for the vacant position. With no prior experience, you need to make sure that you meet all the minimum requirements as well as qualifications.
Jobs duties
There are two main types of assignments you get to complete during your stay. The first type is for domestic chores. This might include sweeping, mopping, dusting, raking, floor polishing, etc. The second kind is for general maintenance. They include everything like painting, sandblasting, repairing, vacuuming, washing and more.
Job Description
The following are some key aspects required of a housekeeping job:
- Daily activities are given as per the instructions and requirements of employers
- Time-bound and Professionalism
- flexible to change their schedules and work hours, if necessary
- Able to work with limited hours like weekends
- Strong communication skills and physical energy
- Good Listening & Interpersonal Skills and understanding customer expectations
Employee Benefits for Housekeepers in New Zealand
The following is a list of basic employee benefits that New Zealand provides to its workers.
- Health and medical insurance
- Paid time off and vacations
- Employee assistance programs
- Flexible working hours
- Annual employee bonuses and overtime bonuses
Job Requirement